Saturday, December 6, 2014

Baby wait

This year, my wife Melissa and I are immersed in our own Advent. We are expecting the arrival of our first child December 22

We are waiting indeed. Waiting for baby to be born. Waiting to see our schedules shift in

order to spend time with one another. Waiting to see what kind of parents we will be. Waiting to see if he will befriend our Bernese mountain dog or the stuffed Bernese mountain dog toy. Waiting to see what kind of personality our son will have. Waiting to see who he is. We are waiting to meet him and welcome him into our lives.

As a teacher, I have the privilege to work with many youth. It is a privilege, because I get to see students think for themselves. I am fascinated at the choices they make. It’s a small glimpse in to who they will be as an adult. Now that I am looking from the perspective of a soon-to-be-parent, I find myself picking out qualities that I see in my students that I hope our son will possess - such as being kind, polite, a problem solver, passionate, determined, and genuine.

This time of year, everything becomes a countdown. With our due date so close to the holiday, I feel like every billboard, commercial, and advertisement for the 25th is somehow directed towards me: "Only ## days left to complete your holiday shopping (…and until your baby comes knocking)" or "Four more Mondays until winter break (…and until your crib has a guest)." Everything becomes a countdown. 

But a countdown indicates an ending point. Advent is anything but that. Everyone was waiting with excitement for Christ to come and to follow him as he journeyed through life. His birth was not the end of a countdown but instead the beginning of his life.

My wife and I are not counting down towards Baby Pepper’s due date. Our lives don’t stop on December 22. Instead, we are patiently waiting for life as a father and mother, life as a family to begin.

Dan Pepper is a vocal music teacher at Sudlow Intermediate School in Davenport and Youth Choir director at St. Paul.