Monday, December 9, 2013

Really Reading

Every day in recent weeks, I have read an online daily reflection, a "today's prayer" sort of selection. Many days, the reflection includes a psalm. And on many of the days with a psalm, the particular text is Psalm 95, which I didn't catch onto right away. 

As I read "do not grow stubborn... as your fathers did in the wilderness" yet another time, I realized something. For me, it didn't matter the reason for Psalm 95's reoccurrence as the selected daily prayer. What mattered was that I finally saw that in my haste - my fast-paced reading and lack of absorbing - I hadn't taken the time to let the words sink in. 

This hurried approach to starting the day - rushing through a Bible reading or reflection - reminds me of the approach to Christmas, as it often occurs. Hurry up: Get your shopping done, travel plans made, cards in the mail. Keep up with work.

This can be exhausting. Where is the calm? Where is the bright?  

As we absorb ourselves in the Word of God, as we slow our pace to see the bright and experience the calm, we are nourished. We are mindful, we are thoughtful, we are merry.  

Christa Orfitelli, a mental health therapist, is an usher at the 11:45 service.